I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Yale University. I work with Prof. Leandros Tassiulas in the SmartNets Lab. My research is focused on developing wireless systems for next-generation communication and agricultural sensing. I am especially interested in designing systems that leverage general-purpose commodity hardware for the radio-access network (RAN) infrastructure of massive MIMO systems (Argos, Renew) and soil property monitoring.
I was fortunate to intern with Ranveer Chandra on the FarmBeats project at Microsoft Research, Redmond. Our work on Wi-Fi based soil sensing is featured in Bill Gates’s blog & video for his visit to a FarmBeats deployment site in Carnation, WA.
🔥 News
- 2024.11: 🎉 Received MobiCom Best Runner-up Poster Award for our work on soil carbon sensing.
- 2024.10: 🎉 Awarded MobiCom Student Travel Grant and Yale GSA Conference Travel Fellowship.
- 2024.10: 🎉 I am selected to participate in the Yale Engineering Innovation Fellows Program.
- 2024.08: 🎉 Our work on Cost-Effective Soil Carbon Sensing with Wi-Fi and Optical Signals is accepted to MobiCom’24.
- 2024.05: Our work on soil sensing got the Feature Spot in the 2024 Yale Innovation Summit Virtual Showcase.
- 2024.04: I am co-chairing ACM MobiCom S3 2024 Workshop.
📝 Publications
Conference papers
Cost-Effective Soil Carbon Sensing with Wi-Fi and Optical Signals
Jian Ding, Ranveer Chandra, Rattan Lal, and Leandros Tassiulas
in Proc. of ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), November 2024.
(PDF, Source code)
Best Runner-up Poster Award
Agora: Real-time massive MIMO baseband processing in software
Jian Ding, Rahman Doost-Mohammady, Anuj Kalia, and Lin Zhong
in Proc. of ACM Int. Conf. emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), December 2020.
(PDF, Source code, Video, Slides)
Towards Low Cost Soil Sensing Using Wi-Fi
Jian Ding and Ranveer Chandra
in Proc. of ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), October 2019.
Best Paper Honorable Mention
ArgosNet: a multi-cell many-antenna MU-MIMO platform, Clayton Shepard, Rahman Doost-Mohammady, Jian Ding, Ryan Guerra, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference (invited paper), 2017 (PDF).
Understanding real many-antenna MU-MIMO channels, Clayton Shepard, Jian Ding, Ryan E. Guerra, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference (invited paper), 2016 (PDF, Released data).
Journal and magazine papers
Democratizing Data-Driven Agriculture Using Affordable Hardware, Ranveer Chandra, Manohar Swaminathan, Tusher Chakraborty, Jian Ding, Zerina Kapetanovic, Peeyush Kumar, Deepak Vasisht, in IEEE Micro, 2022 (PDF).
Strobe: Towards Low-Cost Soil Sensing Using Wi-Fi, Jian Ding and Ranveer Chandra, in ACM GetMobile, 2020 (PDF).
Soil measurement system using wireless signals, Ranveer Chandra and Jian Ding, U.S. Patent No. 10,761,206, September 2020. (Link)
Software-based Baseband Processing for Massive MIMO, Jian Ding, Master’s Thesis, Rice University, August 2019. (PDF)
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2024, MobiCom Best Runner-up Poster Award.
- 2024, MobiCom Student Travel Grant.
- 2024, Yale GSA Conference Travel Fellowship.
- 2024, Yale Engineering Innovation Fellow.
- 2024, Feature Spot in the Yale Innovation Summit Virtual Showcase.
- 2020, NSDI Student Travel Grant.
- 2019, MobiCom Best Paper Honorable Mention (3/290).
- 2018, OSDI Student Travel Grant.
- 2014, Rice University Graduate Fellowship Award.
- 2014, Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang Provincial Institutions of Higher Learning (top 5%).
- 2011, National Scholarship (top 2%).
💻 Internships
- 2018.06-2018.09, Research Intern, mentored by Ranveer Chandra, FarmBeat Project, Microsoft Research Redmond. Presented my work to Bill Gates during his visit to a FarmBeats deployment site in Carnation, WA. Check out Bill Gates’s blog & video for this visit.
- 2017.05-2018.03, Research Intern, mentored by Ranveer Chandra, FarmBeat Project, Microsoft Research Redmond.
- 2013.07-2013.08, Research Intern, ECE Department, NC State University.
📖 Educations
- 2020-present, Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University.
- 2024, MPhil, Computer Science, Yale University.
- 2023, M.S., Computer Science, Yale University.
- 2019, M.S., Computer Engineering, Rice University (Thesis).
- 2014, B.E., Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China.
💬 Talks
- 2024.11, Scarf, conference talk at MobiCom’24.
- 2021.10, Strobe, invited talk at the Digital Agriculture and the Future of Food Workshop as part of Microsoft Research Summit.
- 2021.04, Agora, invited talk at Alibaba.
- 2020.11, Agora, invited talk at Yale CSL meeting.
- 2020.11, Agora, conference talk at CoNEXT’20.
- 2019.09, Strobe, conference talk at MobiCom’19.
📚 Academic Service
- Artifact Evaluation Committee: SIGCOMM 2024
- Co-Chair of the 2024 ACM Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students (S3) Workshop
- Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics
📷 Personal
- I love photography. I post my favorite photos here.